Thursday, November 20, 2008

Maybe I need a New Planner ?

I used to have a really awesome daily planner but now its OLD and falling apart. But for anyone who is interested in what my days consist of these days... The life after being a SAHM for 3 years.

Monday thru Friday I wake up at 5:00 am so I will have an hour to straighten up my house , have some coffee watch the AM news and get ready for work at 7:00 am I wake up the little ones and get them ready and by 7:30 am we are out the door and on our way to day care and work where I work 8:15 to 4:15 when I pick the little ladies up from daycare and have a snack in the car on our way to the gym where we stay from about 5 to 6:30. We get home and the girls play or do arts stuff while I get dinner ready then we eat and bathtime and hopefully bed by 8:00pm . Then I clean up from dinner and try to get the laundry done and set out our clothes for the next morning and watch a tv show , read a book or try my new hobby knitting. Then hit the sack and start all over again the next day wishin I had just a little more time to play with my babies or even do school online. My schedule only changes up a bit on Thursdays when we try and go to the library before the gym. Not sure what my weekend will hold this weekend im hoping that maybe soem miracle will happen and I will have enough freetime to go visit at Riley for a couple hours but its not looking good for that.

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