Friday November 14 2008 was the officially declared moving day for my Ex-husband. He is to be arriving shortly from Iraq and to immediately be served with a PFA ( Protection from Abuse Order). To clarify this for those of you who do not know why the divorce has occurred he finally admitted to having been unfaithful starting 30 days home from his first deployment and continuing to be so all through the year and a half finally culminating in his physical attacks towards me 4 days after comming home from the hospitol after giving birth to Natalie. He has never been charged with anything even after they took pictures of my bruising he now believes he can get away with murder. Not to mention his drug and alchohol problems w/ the military ignored. He even met his new wifey in Iraq a female soldier.
Here I am Proud to be moving his crap OUT!!
And My car about to be packed FULL of it!
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